My dear wife Judy normally posts pictures on FaceBook from our weekly hikes through lakeside, but I asked her to share the shots from our most recent walk with me so I could offer some commentary here. Yesterday we jaunted almost 16 miles with backpacks, and here are some of the more unusual sights we saw.
On our way into town, we ran across some local celebrities: Vino Blanco and Martini, two burros who live at Yves restaurant, out for a morning walk. They are the subject of numerous local artists, but were kind enough to let us play paparazzi and photograph them!
W crossed the plaza, which was preparing for day 3 of the festival of San Andres. More on that holiday in another post.
This is Albert, a local crooner at several restaurants. We had breakfast while listening to him.
If you look closely in the background, you’ll see a man mowing the very little grass he has in his yard. In the foreground, he is being carefully supervised by his brace of ducks, which have found safety in a corner.
This dog was out-cold, sprawled across the walkway. When Judy got her camera out, he jumped up and gave her the stink-eye. He seemed to be saying, “Who was sleeping? Not me!” Speaking of dogs, I have no idea what this artistic sculpture (below) is supposed to mean. However, I do want to show it to my dog to explain one possible punishment next time he misbehaves!
This horse is corralled in a small area next to the lake where he happily munches the local fauna before getting a drink. The only thing keeping him in place is the lake and a seawall…so I wonder how he even got there!
Ever wonder what the roof looks like under terracotta tile? This one was concrete.
Various cactus plants have colonized their very own–and very difficult– piece of cliffside.
Remember these? This one still works!
Recycling business. I just liked their slogan: “Nobody weighs, nor pays like us!!” Notice also the religious icon in the left of the photo.
When we got to the Chapala malecon, we had to take a photo of the statue of Our Lady of Zapopan, flanked by two Méxica warriors.
This is the fisherman’s fountain in Chapala.
And I just had to have a big Limonade before we turned around and headed home.
Happy Thanksgiving to all; I’ll have another post soon about what it’s like to experience holidays in another culture!