Doctors & Dentists

My wife and I bid a fond farewell to January, which saw us cooped up in the casa most of the month, not due to weather, but due to a variety of maladies. It started January 2nd, when I caught a very fast-spreading cold (sore throat, fever, lethargy) which put me down in bed for a week. Just a few days after I recovered, Judy encountered an ensalada contaminada–she literally “et something bad” as we used to say. Food poisoning lasted a good ten days and necessitated a few visits to the doctor/lab, some testing, and verged on a trip to the emergency room for treatment before she got better. And when she got better, I went in for a routine teeth cleaning. I mentioned some dental pain, and that led to two root canals and crowns. Here we sit in February, now returned to health. So what was it like, being sick and out in expat land?

For all the experiences, the costs were much less expensive, as I have noted before. For my over-the-counter (OTC) cold meds, we bought the same things we did in the States: Nyquil and Robitussin and the like, except generally at much less cost. If you’ve ever wondered why the same product is cheaper elsewhere, here’s the the secret. Most of the cost in any medicine is in the research: you need to recoup the cost of creating the medicine, and the cost of all the other medicines your company TRIED to make but didn’t work out. When you get to an approved, functioning medicine, generally the cost of production is low. So while you can set a profit margin of (let’s say) $5 USD on a medicine in the States, no one in a poorer nation will buy it at that markup. BUT, you can set a mark-up of 5 cents on it and sell it and still make money elsewhere. So that’s what they do. It works for all kinds of things beside medicine. As long as you cover your costs, you still make a profit.

Doctors are very approachable and easy to reach. Judy texted (WhatsApp) our doctor on Sunday evening when she had already been sick for three days without improvement. Our doctor responded quickly with a Monday noon appointment. She gave Judy a mild antibiotic and something to address the bowel symptoms (more on that later), but also a sample kit if we needed it later and promised a quick reaction if that didn’t do the trick. When it didn’t, she arranged (again, by text) another, stronger antibiotic. The doctor texted Judy daily to check on her improvement over the following days.

As I already knew, treatments really vary by nation. Here they try to go very light on the antibiotics (as our doctor did with Judy), but when it didn’t get quick improvement, the doctor went straight to ciprofloxacin, the nuclear option of antibiotics. While we use imodium in the States to battle diarrhea, our doctor suggested it was “too strong” and recommended Treda. Seems like Mexicans swear by it, and keep it handy when travelling. I had never heard of it. Turns out Treda is the brand name for a neomycin sulfate compound not used in the US (as far as I can tell). It’s an internal antiseptic used for bowel surgery, with a load of possible side effects. Yet it’s in every Mexican medicine cabinet. It worked for Judy, and was far less extreme than imodium.

In my limited experience, medical professionals here aren’t quite as used to explaining the why and how of what’s going on. I am used to a running dialogue about what they’re doing to me, what they expect to find, what they do find, and what it means. When I went for my teeth cleaning, the dentist told me my teeth looked excellent and she thought my mild tooth pain was probably due to a change in my bite causing two teeth to impact. She filed one down a touch and sent me on way way, with a reminder to come back if I felt any more pain. Two days later, the same teeth were more painful still, so I went back. A different dentist did a quick dental x-ray and told me that both teeth had serious decay under existing fillings. This tracked with what my American dentist had warned me, that someday those teeth, which he filled, would crack or decay and need more treatment, so I was prepared for it.

After some anesthetic, the dentist started drilling out the old fillings to see what she would find. As expected, one tooth probably needed a root canal, the other maybe just a crown. I scheduled a follow up for a day later with the endodontist, who worked on the better tooth but decided to do a root canal on it. He scheduled the other root canal for a week later. So I thought I would have two root canals and be done. But when I arrived in the morning the next week, I learned the endodontist had scheduled two afternoon sessions for crowns, too.

So three appointments in one day. But, at the end of the day, I had no tooth pain and two new crowned, root-canaled teeth. I wish they had been a little more communicative as they went along (all spoke perfect English), but the care and quality were still very good. Total cost for a cleaning, another visit to drill away the old fillings, then the two root canals and two crowns? $14000 MXP, or about $700 USD.

The technology still appears to me to be very advanced. The laboratory clinic sent us a detailed readout by e-mail within six hours. The dental x-rays were all the small hand-held kind with results on a display beside the chair, and saved to my records. The crown was 3D printed on site and installed the same day.

All things considered, pretty routine stuff, especially since we were out in expat land.


Life is good. Very good, I would say. The global economy is sound, and the US economy is driving it forward again. In the States, unemployment is at record lows, even for disadvantaged groups who have usually not benefited from near-full employment. Inflation appears to be missing in action; economists are revising their economic theories to account for its absence. While there are numerous small wars, we have no big ones. While antibiotic-resistant strains of various bacterial infections are growing, we’re still a little ahead. Teenage pregnancy rates and alcohol use statistics are way down. Violent crime is at a sixty-year low.

Yet so many people I know are somewhere between deeply upset and very angry: and there is data to back that point too. US deaths of despair (including drug overdoses, suicides, and lifestyle-choice diseases like cirrhosis) have increased to a rate unseen since the 19th century! Almost sixty-four percent of respondents are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the States. What gives?

A major part of the explanation lies in the marketing power of outrage. Politicians, businesses, entertainers, athletes, activists, online influencers, and especially the media have discovered that exaggerating or hyping has few drawbacks and significant monetary rewards. Taking things to the extreme, whether in what gets covered or how it is described, results in more interest, more feedback, and more revenue.

This “Outrage-Us” approach is bipartisan and apolitical. If you try to isolate when it began, I guarantee you I can find an earlier incidence from the opposite faction (political, religious, or polemic). It occurs in major policy issues (immigration, opioids, war, racism) and in minor topics (weather effects, cultural issues).

How does it work? Always begin with some kernel of the truth: don’t simply make things up out of whole cloth, as that is too easy to refute. Someone in the country illegally commits a crime, and this becomes an “invasion” where ‘they’re sending us rapists.’ Push out statistics which favor one view without acknowledging other statistics or interpretations. Exaggerate policies by using inflammatory language without considering the full details of the issue. Play to a predictable point of view: the one your readers/listeners/friends are likely to enjoy. There are few rules other than never apologize, never explain, always rebut and in a LARGER VOICE.

Who does it? Nearly all politicians and activists, but even most forms of media, including social media. Watch how often “breaking news” interrupts the broadcast or streams across your screen. Watch for the word bombshell in coverage of any topic: more dud bombshells have “exploded” during the Trump administration than during World War II. Some media forms do it with their opinion sections, others even with with their news sections, but all do it.

Why do they do it? How likely are you to read an article entitled “Border agencies face unexpected challenge of child immigrants” versus “Trump puts kids in cages”? Think I’m kidding? Check out the New York Times subscription numbers before and during the Trump Administration. Cable news stations like MSNBC were literally dying prior to the Trump candidacy. And lest you forget, Fox News was born as a conservative alternative during the Clinton presidency, and rode the Obama administration to the top of the cable news marketplace. Outrage works.

It works in small, apolitical ways, too. Ever wonder why there is so much weather coverage on the local news? Because (1) it is cheap and easy to cover, (2) it is usually non-controversial, and (3) it is easy to hype. If the weather is not as extreme as predicted, no one will call you on it, because, well, we dodged a bullet, and that’s just the weather! Wonder why they cover windchill and heat indices today rather than actual temperatures as in the past? The latter drive the readings more to the extreme!

You see the “Outrage-Us” approach in stories about gun violence, hate crimes, infectious diseases and natural disasters. You find it is almost any story about social security, military spending, or marijuana use/”treatments”.

None of this is to claim there aren’t serious problems out there. Remember, “Outrage-Us” stories must start with a kernel of truth, but they go to extremes to get you to look and then get excited.

  • The coronavirus bears watching in case it mutates in a bad way. If you’re really interested, Johns Hopkins has a site tracking the spread in real time. But while this coronavirus is novel, coronaviruses have always been with us; they are one cause of the common cold. Remember MERS? SARS? They were both coronaviruses. MERS had a 33% fatality rate, while SARS was under 10%. Today’s novel coronavirus is running around 2%. Remember Swine flu? Bird flu? Zika? Dengue fever? Living in the tropics where it is endemic, Dengue is a personal favorite. Dengue fever is very real, but did you know that 80% of those who contract it have either no symptoms or a mild fever? Hardly as exciting as the “breakbone fever” covered by the media but experienced by only a tiny percentage of cases.
  • It’s more exciting to cover a poll on how bad US race relations are than report that interracial marriage rates are up almost fifty percent to all-time highs.
  • Seems like natural disasters are becoming more frequent? Nope. More expensive, yes, as we continue to develop areas that we know are vulnerable. (Beachfront property in Florida? California tree-lined canyon views? Anywhere in New Orleans?)

So be careful out there. On top of all the other groups trying to get you excited, there are armies of Russian trolls and bots specifically trying to set one group of Americans against another . . . and millions of Americans getting outraged and circulating the nonsense! Ever see an inflammatory post and find it’s years old: that is often the work of bots which recycle old news to new effect. Real problems deserve careful thought, not knee-jerk reactions or online emoticons. But that requires effort instead of raw emotion.

The only way to end this post is with a choice of dance-off music video. For those still angry, try on Nirvana’s ode to teen angst; for everyone else, a little Bobby McFerrin.


Mexico may be the land of discounts. Prices here almost always seem negotiable, for those who wish to do so. It even applies to things one normally would consider fixed, like taxes, and fines and the like. I don’t suggest you actually try to bargain with the government, or the policia, but prices do vary!

In Mexico, anyone who owns a property must pay an annual property tax, called the predial. The tax is very small to begin with, something between .1 and .01% of the property value, but there is a discount of 20% if you pay in January. I imagine the local governments like to get their hands on the income as soon as possible, even if it costs them a little in the process!

The same goes for “radared” speeding tickets. Mexico relies on a combination of radar speed traps and topes to control traffic speed and raise revenue. There is a helpful website from the Jalisco state government where you can check whether you have any speeding tickets. Better yet, if you pay them within ten working days, you get a 50% discount, and even 25% discount if paid in less than thirty days.

Your Mexican-plated car requires an annual registration, but you get a 10% discount (again) if paid if January, 5% in February or March.

Turn sixty years old and a world of discounts beckons. You are eligible for an identification card from the Instituto Nacional para las Personas Adultas Mayores, or INAPAM. It entitles Seniors to a 50% discount on buses, discounts on museums, movies, medicines, hotels, and even airlines. Yes, I will be applying for mine this year!

Showing the Mexican sense of humor, last year AeroMexico (slogan: “You HAVE to have a sense of humor to fly us!”) trolled the Estados Unidos with an ad featuring alleged DNA discounts to Americans with Mexican roots.

It’s just an ad, folks. Actually, America’s first destination IS Mexico!

Mexico has many student discounts, like anywhere else. And happy hours. And Buen Fin, a shopping holiday modelled on Black Friday. And of course, in the land of tianguis, the price on the tag is just a starting point for any small business.

¡Descuentas para todos!

Christmas Musings

Odds & ends and photos from Christmas in the Year of Our Lord, 2019:

Ever hear the one about Christmas being a basically pagan holiday that the Church appropriated to quiet wild pagan revelries? It is so common you’ll hear otherwise intelligent people repeat it. It’s bunk. First, the solstice is the 20th/21st, never the 25th of December. Saturnalia, a Roman feast, ended on the 23rd. The Roman emperor Aurelian did inaugurate a feast of Sol Invictus (“The Conquering Sun”) in 274 AD, but Christians were already celebrating Christmas by that time. The other celebrations are only coincidences in time.

Living Nativity scene locally: Mary is about right, but Joseph needs about 20+ years

But what about Christmas trees, didn’t the pagans bring freshly cut trees into their homes in the winter? True! However, the whole Christmas tree thing comes from 17th century Germany (some claim from Martin Luther) and was a very late Christian addition. Probably a borrow, that.

Saint Nicolas, Papal Noel, Santa Claus: didn’t the pagans have magical figures who sometimes delivered gifts (or tricks) to children. True again, but there was also a real Saint Nicolas back in the third century AD. And the jolly old elf Americans know comes from . . . the publication of the poem “A visit from Saint Nicolas” in the early 1800s. You know it by heart: “Twas the night before Christmas, . . .” and it gave us a fat jolly Santa, magical reindeer, and chimney deliveries. Again, hardly a case for Christmas derivative of pagan practices.

Real Baby Jesus here, but Joseph on a cell phone?

Some claim the Bible does not tell us much about the date of the birth of Jesus Christ. There are clues throughout the Gospels, from the census of Caesar Augustus, the reign of Herod, etc. Some theologians spent their entire lives trying to discern clues like “when would pious Jews travel?” “when were the shepherds keeping watch in their fields?” or “what celestial events align with the star the wise men followed?” It ends up with a variety of possible days and even years. Early Christians were unconcerned: so much else that Jesus did was critically important; when he was born, not so much.

I was happy to see several commentaries this year on the meaning of Christmas, decrying commercialism, pettiness, discrimination and other vices of the human condition. Still, these writers too missed the meaning of Christmas. “It is better to give than to receive” is a beautiful thought, but not the meaning of Christmas. So too “treat others as you would be treated” and “remember the less fortunate” and even “love one another.”

The winner, imo: Three Kings already visiting!

The meaning of Christmas is so simple, it can be stated in a single Word: Incarnation. That God became man and dwelt among us, a revolutionary notion unprecedented in human beliefs before or since. He didn’t appear as a man, didn’t possess a body, wasn’t a spirit masquerading as a man, but was like all of us in all things except sin . . . and still God. That voluntary movement, from eternal and on-high to lowly, ephemeral, mortal? That is love. And He did this for all.

Christmas portends much more. It unlocks the door, setting the stage for the possibility of redemption. Easter will (of course) show just how far Divine love will go–even unto death, death on a cross–and throw open the gate wide. For now, we may revel in the possibility, the hope.

Our Church after Christmas day Mass: if I had done a video, it would have needed one of those BBC-style “this video contains flashing lights” warnings!

When you hear the phrase “Merry Christmas,” remember it is salutary greeting: not a challenge, not a conversion, just a sharing of joy. If you feel that joy, respond in kind; if not, simply say thanks.

¡Feliz Navidad!

Look a lot like Christmas

We paired down Christmas when we lived back in the States. Once the kids were grown and moved away, starting families of their own, our Christmas traditions narrowed down to the basics. We still attended the children’s mass on Christmas Eve (with close friends) at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC and ate till closing at a local Italian Restaurant that always expected us. Christmas morning was homemade cinnamon roles. The tree (now fake) went up sometime in mid-December and back in the box the first weekend in January. Sent out Christmas cards, but did little decorating, and certainly no exterior lights.

During our move to an apartment, downsizing in preparation fo retirement and expat life, all that was left of Christmas past was the religious observance. We put the old ornaments away, and even stopped exchanging gifts, since that just added to the stuff we needed to get rid of.

That paired-down approach continued once we got to Mexico. Without the change of seasons, Christmas falls into the same perfect weather as the rest of the year (yes, I know, as youse NOB shiver in the snow, you feel SO SORRY for us!). Gradually, we’re adding back to the Christmas traditions.

Of course, my official Charlie Brown Christmas Tree makes its annual appearance, along with one of Judy’s amazing quilts:

Here’s our new Mexican tree. Not enough evergreens here, so this captures the spirit:

In case you missed them in the last photo, yes, that is the complete set from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Another of Judy’s holiday quilts which made the cut to Mexico:

A child’s handicraft which survived the years:

and our latest additions. Expats drink a lot of wine–or at least we do–so you need to fashion up those ubiquitous bottles. We have little sombrero and poncho kits for them, but nothing says Christmas like a Santa wine bottle!

¡Feliz Navidad!

Everything you know is wrong VI

Normally, I am supportive of almost anything that encourages a deeper look at history: it is my favorite subject, and I firmly believe everyone can learn from it. In the case of the New York Times 1619 project, I’m willing to make an exception. The effort commemorates the initial shipment of slaves to the colony of Virginia. It is a slick, interactive, multimedia presentation. The Times seems to be telling us “everything you know is wrong.” Let’s see.

The problem starts with its stated purpose. To whit: “It aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” It is very useful to study the contributions of different groups to the American story, especially when the groups in question have been historically marginalized. But “reframing” history and asserting a different foundation are another story, literally a manufactured one.

What’s the harm, you might ask, and surely the Times will provide some balance in the work? Not so much. For example, one article posits that the American prison system is so violent because it is a direct descendant of the plantation system. Maybe the author was unfamiliar with the Stanford prison experiment, which showed quite clearly that prison environments breed violence. Perhaps the author has never heard of Chinese prisons, or Turkish prisons, or Mexican prisons, which are even more violent and have no link to American slavery.

This is what happens when you look at history through a soda straw: you might really believe the little circle you see is the whole truth, but you might also be totally missing the point.

Of course, slavery played an important role in the story of America’s founding. It is not for nothing that the phrase “(s)lavery is America’s original sin” has been bandied about since the nation’s founding. But was slavery unique here, and does American history need to be “re-framed” around it?

Let’s start with 1619. The Times gets the date wrong, as slavery in America began when the Spanish imported the first slaves to what is today South Carolina in 1526. The Anglo-centric version of history is grist for another blog post, another day, but you would think the nation’s ‘paper of record’ would have a little more, say, diverse view.

Slavery neither began in America nor ended here: in fact it continues to this day. Slavery began long before recorded history, when one family tribe fought another and had to determine what to do with the defeated survivors: kill them, set them free and fight them again, or enslave them. Slavery was such an endemic condition of history that even the Bible treats it as given, while suggesting it is unjust and should be abolished. Slavery happened whenever the strong confronted the weak. St. Patrick was a Roman slave of the Celts. The feared Janissary warriors were Christian slaves of the Ottoman Sultan. And so it goes.

Slavery was not unique to Africa, but Africa was certainly the continent most affected by slavery. Arab slave traders in 8th century focused on Africa since Muslims were prohibited from taking other Muslims as slaves; demand only accelerated when the Europeans colonized Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet the reason Africa was such a target for slave traders was that slavery was already endemic within Africa! Africans enslaved each other, and then traded their slaves to outsiders. The notion that Middle Ages Europeans wandered about the African continent catching locals as slaves is transparently silly. Arabs and Europeans provided the gold, and Africans provided the slaves.

In the New World, where did most of the slaves go? Of the eleven million slaves who survived the transatlantic passage, less than 400,000 (<4%) went to North America, 35% went to Brazil (the most frequent destination) with the Caribbean being the other large collective destination.

Was American slavery more brutal? All slavery was inherently dehumanizing and brutal, so we are talking about the subtle differences in inhumanity. Still, the reasons the American South didn’t need to import as many slaves was the natural rate of increase. By the outbreak of the Civil War, the slave population in the Confederacy had exploded six-fold to almost four million slaves, approximately one-third of the total population! This increase was due to obvious factors: more births, fewer deaths, and a longer life-span, since cotton plantation life (as horrible as it was) was nothing compared the Carib sugar plantations or the mines of South America. Sugar plantation and mine owners estimated their slaves were good for seven years of labor, at which point they died from chronic mistreatment. Americans in the south actually encouraged slaves to have children (even as they broke the families up for sale) and found uses for the youngest and oldest slaves. Both systems were horrible.

Was slavery uniquely essential to the US economy? Hardly. While the “molasses-to-rum-to-slaves” trade route is well-documented (remember the musical 1776?), and slavery was the basis of the southern plantation economy, it was not nearly as important to the overall US economy as slavery was to Brazil or Spanish colonial Cuba. Still, the 1619 project states “(i)n order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation.” And this howler: “Perhaps you’re reading this at work, . . . (where) you report to someone, and . . . Everything is tracked, recorded and analyzed . . . . It feels like a cutting-edge approach to management, but many of these techniques that we now take for granted were developed by and for large plantations.” Phew! Missing a few centuries of Medieval economic development there.

“They’re willing, for a Shilling”

Is there anything that makes American slavery unique? Well, the most unique aspect of American slavery is our continuing fascination with it. About every other decade there is a renewed interest in the “peculiar institution.” No other former slave-holding nation spends more time or effort reconsidering the experience.

A second unique aspect is that while American slaves were considered property, they counted for purposes of political enumeration. Most people are rightly horrified at the Article I language in the US Constitution that dictates slaves be counted as three-fifths of a person. Few stop to think that this was exactly three-fifths more of an acknowledgment of a slave’s humanity than they received anywhere else. This provision was indeed a cynical political ploy to gain more representation for slave-holding states, but the fact remains–they counted.

By far the most unique aspect of slavery in America is this fact: America was the only country which fought a war to end the practice. Most nations outlawed the practice and let it gradually die. Haiti had a rebellion to forestall the re-imposition of slavery by France. Only in America, which was in Lincoln’s phrase “half slave, half free” did the sides battle it out. While the war was ostensibly about saving the Union (in the north) and state’s rights (in the south), the underlying cause was always clear: the Union was threatened by the challenge of slavery, and the ONLY state’s right in question was slavery. In the end, the cause of abolition made clear the real issue, and the pro-slavery side was decisively defeated.

The Times’ 1619 project is a thinly-veiled attempt to engage the fraught nature of US race relations today by polemicizing history. Racial tensions are indeed high these days, but the Times’ effort provides too much heat and too little light. We won’t solve the racial issues of today by inventing a new truth about the past. Perhaps the NYT should do a 2019 Project on itself, where only eight percent of the staff (and five percent of the leadership) are African-American.

The price of everything

Perhaps you’re familiar with the Oscar Wilde quote that “a cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” A witticism, yes, but prices are an important part of expat life, just as they are for any retiree or those still working. How many friends and family do you know who are furiously running on the career hamster-wheel, trying to make enough to pay-off college loans, provide quality daycare, and save for retirement, while simultaneously maintaining a standard of life driven by society’s dictates?

Those costs show up in real terms as prices. So I decided to list some of the prices we face as expats today at lakeside, using an approximation of the dollar-peso exchange rate (actually 19.4 MXP per 1 USD, but we’ll round to 20 to simplify the math). Some of these costs are a little higher, based on our personal preferences: for example, I could get a haircut at a local barber for 100 pesos ($5 USD), but I choose to go to a salon. I won’t add tips, as that is a whole ‘nother story.

Here goes:

Weekly newspaper in English: 20 MXP, 1 USD.

Haircut at a salon, with wash and scalp massage: 200 MXP, 10 USD

Basket of fresh fruit/vegetables at market: 140 MXP, 7 USD

Sorry, we ate one avocado before I could snap the pic!

Mexican landline (w/internet), monthly: 390 MXP, 19 USD

Electric bill, monthly average: 1000 MXP, 50 USD

Lunch for two, Italian restaurant, with wine: 300 MXP, 15 USD

Repair concrete and stone work on driveway: 400 MXP, 20 USD

Which reminds me, I HAVE to get that stone replaced!

Two movie tickets (first run, English): 100 MXP, 5 USD

Dinner for two, Thai: 600 MXP, 30 USD

2x wine/tea, apps, entrees

Property tax, annual: 2,600 MXP, 130 USD

Maid, three hours weekly: 165 MXP, 8 USD

Gardener, 1.5 hour biweekly: 165 MXP, 8 USD

Monthly private club fees (pool, restaurant/bar, guest rooms): 2000 MXP, 100 USD

HOA, quarterly: 3,542 MXP, 173 USD

80 minute sports massage at spa: 750 MXP, 37 USD

Water bill, monthly: 272 MXP, 18 USD

Gas fill-up with Premium (17 gallons): 1100 MXP, 55 USD

Concrete/stone driveway repair: 400 MXP, 20 USD

Gym membership (annual): 5000 MXP, 250 USD

Tequila, 1 liter: 265 MXP, 13 USD

Whole milk, 1.8 liter: 29 MXP, 1.50 USD

Coca cola, 1.75 liter: 21 MXP, 1 USD.

Pedicure: 250 MXP, 12 USD

Taxi ride to the airport (30 miles): 400 MXP, 20 USD

Doctor’s visit: 400 MXP, 20 USD

Dinner out (2 entrees, 1 app, two cocktails, 2 wines): 565 MXP, 29 USD

Beef carpaccio (already gone), chicken cordon bleu, stuffed pork, margaritas and cabernet sauvignon

Bus fare: 8 MXP, .4 USD

We don’t really buy clothes here, only because most Mexicans are so much smaller than us (we’re tall for Americans) that nothing fits: shoes are an impossibility! That will change, as I increasingly see younger Mexicans–especially muchachos–topping six feet in height. Likewise, electronic devices in general are more expensive here, but the Mexican peso has lost so much value (it was 14 MXP-1 USD when we bought our home) that such items are now competitively priced with the US.

Not the price of everything, mind you, but a useful survey and a brief explanation of how it is possible to retire–even early–when your costs in retirement are so low. Expat friends, feel free to add items you think are relevant in the comments, and others, ask if there is something specific you would like to know the price!


Have you ever run across the meme about “describing yourself in x words,” designed to make you choose among a limited number of possible descriptions and pick the most important? It’s supposed to be hard, and generally done to make you draw some hard conclusions about yourself and your priorities.

What makes it so hard is all of us have multiple affiliations: positive associations with groups, teams, tastes, beliefs, parties, species, regions, and countries. There are (of course) blood relations and marriage, faith and politics, sports teams and pets, languages and hobbies and interests. And they are good. Think about the pleasure of getting together with old friends, or family holiday gatherings (should they go well), being with fellow fans when victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat: does it get any better?

I have commented previously about the role college football has played in my life. I used to tell my daughters to spread my ashes in the north end zone of Notre Dame stadium (that was before they went to artificial turf, a story for another day). I’ll always fondly remember when my son-in-law Cody (like my daughter, a fervent Ohio State Buckeye) first met my fanatical Irish extended family. He deftly defuzed what could have been an explosive moment by saying “At least we can all agree that we hate Michigan.” Affiliations bringing people together!

By definition, such affiliations also divide us, and can become a source of real evil. The subject came up in the news recently when some political pundits were attacking a US Army Lieutenant Colonel for possible competing loyalties because he was Ukrainian-American and came to this country as a child. But set all those details aside; what I want to focus on is why the man was attacked in the first place. He was the target of attacks because it was politically expedient in the no-holds-barred political deathmatch that is Washington, DC, today!

Political mudslinging is nothing new, but it has reached epidemic proportions. I regularly receive social media reposts of the most vile sorts from both my progressive and conservative friends. I’m not talking about a reasoned explanation of why “Medicare for all” is the wave of the future; I’m talking graphic comics or pithy mis-quotes designed to fuel rage. I find these reposts very helpful, since FaceBook has a “hide all future posts from” function that helps me avoid these sources without losing my friends. In this way, my friends are providing a useful service: they send me things to show me what NOT to see ever again!

What surprises me is that most of the people engaging in this behavior simultaneously decry the level of discourse. They’ll claim ‘the other side started it’ (has that ever worked?) or ‘they’ll say something worse’ (preemptive bad behavior? a novel approach!). Sorry, folks, the level of hate out there is so high because many of us consciously choose to participate in it. If you second something offensive, or even fail to rein in the worst behavior by your friends, you’re complicit.

Affiliations work that way.

The Nationals just won the World Series. Somewhere, some Nats fans had a little too much to drink and the raucous, post-game celebration verged on a riot, but that didn’t happen, because some other Nats fans snuffed it out. When someone on my side of the political divide makes an outlandish claim in my presence, it’s my responsibility to correct them. It really is that simple.

It’s a good thing to profess a belief (political or religious), to really embrace it, to put its precepts into action. But when you run across opposition, you have to convince or proselytize or reason: not attack or condemn or cancel.

OK, Boomer,” I hear some Gen Z out there thinking, “but we face REAL EVIL today. We can’t play by those outdated rules! We have to win by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!”

I admire the commitment to virtue, I really do. But today’s long list of challenges do not measure up to Slavery, Fascism, or Communism, to name just the 19th and 20th Century challenges. Those enormities were confronted by the truth, which is always more powerful than hyperbole, propaganda, or hate. So put down your phone, delete that tweet, and take a deep breath.

Affiliations work best when we accentuate the positive. Cheer on your team, promote your agenda, profess your faith in public. We are all the better for it.

Our former President did a pretty good job discussing this.

‘Nuff said

Making Friends

One stark challenge facing an expat is “how does one make new friends?” It is easy to forget how dependant we all are on our extended series of relationships: our friends. Leaving your friends behind–the people from your hometown, where you worked, where your children grew up–can be daunting enough, but is easily surpassed by the next step: where to find a new group of friends?

I had a lot of experience making friends growing up. In the seventeen years between my birth and taking the oath on the Plain at West Point, my family lived in eight different houses. Which may not seem that dramatic, but it also included one, six-year stretch in a single house! I attended three different high schools. I pretty much dreaded most moves, since as a card-carrying introvert each move required the dreaded “hello, I am the new guy here, please be my friend” routine. I finally mastered the process at my last high school, and it served me well in a brief military career.

Then Judy and I settled into Washington, DC, for the next thirty years. We did move around, gradually pulled ever closer, inside the beltway, like some comet being sucked into a black hole. Overstatement? DC is the place famous for Harry S Truman’s apocryphal quote: “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” He didn’t say it, but it lives on because so many Washingtonians recognize its fundamental truth.

The answer is the same as it always was: to get out there and find people with similar interests. The challenge as an expat is exacerbated by the twin aspects of foreign languages and cultures. As Sam Cooke crooned:

Not really about friends, but you get the point!

“If I can meet ’em, I can get ’em, . . .” Luckily, an expat lakeside has numerous opportunities to meet people. This probably is the ‘secret sauce’ explaining why Lake Chapala is such a draw for North American expats. An expat here has all the ability to engage that friendly Mexican culture I wrote about earlier, but also can rely on a huge number of English-friendly groups and activities.

Our weekly English-language newspaper, the Guadalajara Reporter, lists fifteen different religious services each week, as well as some spiritual-but-not religious activities. We have at least three dramatic theaters, two cinemas, and several galleries. There are numerous classes for dance, crafts, languages, card games, and groups galore, ranging from a motorcycle club to Democrats Abroad. El Ojo del Lago, our monthly periodical, has two solid pages (small print) of non-profit organizations full of active individuals performing good deeds.

It’s digital: blow it up if you want to peruse the offerings!

Several expats acquaintances tell me that our area and San Miguel de Allende (SMA) are similar in that they both have well-supported expat infrastructure. Those who started in SMA but ended up lakeside say SMA is more stratified, more expensive, more cultured, and just busier. I’m sure the reverse set of expats (Lakeside>SMA) would call lakeside too blue-collar, too provincial, too small-towny. For beach-going expats, there is always PV, the Cabos, Cancun and Cozumel and Playa del Carmen. Merida is up and coming for a more authentic, but still tropical, experience. To each his own. Whatever your take on expat life, there are several locations in Mexico to try out, but not all have the same welcoming infrastructure!


We’re coming to the end of two weeks of substitute parenting. Grandparenting is still my favorite role, but this wasn’t a bad gig, either.

Henry doing the whole Big Brother thing at the bottom of the slide for Quinn

When I thought about the concept, the example which sprang to my mind was substitute teaching, which has so many challenges. Face it, the very concept of substitute teacher has yielded several movies which play the theme for laughs or tragedy. Yet substitute teaching has a few advantages, too: you’re not responsible for the ultimate success of the students, after all. You don’t have the built-in biases which develop seeing the same students behaving in predictable patterns day after day. There is a set term measured in hours or days, not weeks or months.

Henry and his Meemo, on the perilous swinging bridge

Substitute parenting has some of the same advantages. I don’t need to fix anything, just survive and ensure my grandkids do, too. Not that my Henry Danger and Quinn Rebel (real names, not aliases to protect the innocent) need any fixing, mind you. Oh, no, they were angels . . . of a sort. I believe Lucifer was one, too, once upon a time. For their part, I am sure they found this semi-parental version of “Gramps” far too stern. Several times they looked at me like “what, you can’t be serious” when I gave them some direct verbal order . . . they seemed unfamiliar with the concept. One time Henry even said the same out loud. That’s when the grandparent overcame the parent in me and I just laughed out loud.

Henry enjoyed following the marked path; he was less happy when Gramps decided to go cross country

Survival is a low bar, but necessarily so. Have you seen what passes for toys today? Henry got nerf guns for his birthday. They come with safety glasses, magazines (the kind for extra ammo, but the guns were revolvers, so what the heck?), a Captain America shield and a utility vest. “Great,” I thought, we’ll try a little live-action, first-person shooter game. Since I wanted Henry to “gear-up” I decided to wear the safety glasses, too. Good move! Within five minutes, I had an enormous fat lip and would have been short one eye if not for the glasses! My girls had nerf guns back in the day, but the nerf arrows flew so slow you could dodge them. Not so today: these nerf bullets were lightning fast, accurate to the sights on the barrel, and packed a punch (according to my swollen lip). Henry learned that if your head is bigger than your shield, you will get shot in the head. Valuable life lesson there.

We went to the Church picnic, where I confirmed that all Church picnics everywhere are similarly disorganized. Food was cash-only, but then you needed to buy tickets for the cash-only food. Except they were out of hot dogs. At the Church picnic. For kids. But we were able to let Quinn run free on the playground and practice her climbing skills (very important, as she is three and ready to escape her crib. No need to thank us, Mom & Dad!).

So if Mom & Dad don’t respond quickly enough, just find the toe holds on the side of the crib. . .

Mostly we just followed the routine set down by their parents, and when we deviated even a little, Quinn & Henry were quick to point it out. The grandkids were willing to accept some small changes, but vigorously protested others. Judy took to responding “oh, well” when appeals to rationality or authority failed to convince them. Quinn found that amusing enough to quote it back to us when she didn’t like the outcome. Did I mention her middle name is Rebel?

Like I said, a good gig, only a few melt-downs (the kids, not us), no emergency room visits, and now back to GRAND-parenting.